Advance Care Planning
& Palliative Care
Advance Care Planning (ACP) is a process, not an event, and is planning for future care based on a person’s values, beliefs, preferences, and specific medical issues. The goal of advance care planning is to help ensure that our patients receive medical care, while taking into account personal goals, during serious and chronic illness by creating an Advanced Directive.
Our approach to ACP and Palliative Care transcends the idea of “giving in” to death and focuses instead on providing supportive care and decision-making as a vital part of delivering palliative care services that relieve socio-economic burdens for patients and families. The goal is to improve quality of life for both the patient and the family.
Sage Health Palliative Care sees the person beyond the disease. It is a fundamental shift in healthcare delivery.
Our palliative care focus specializes in symptom management, communication, and safe transitions from hospital to home. It helps people at any stage of a serious illness and may take place alongside medical treatment to cure the patient's disease. Examples of serious illness include, but are not limited to, cancer, liver disease, emphysema, heart failure, kidney failure and dementia.
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